- November 17, 2017
Disclosure: change on the horizon
If there is one aspect of civil procedure that keeps lawyers awake at night (or if not lawyers, their clients), it is the sheer bulk and complexity of disclosure. It may be an exaggeration to say that the English disclosure regime is dysfunctional, but it certainly leaves a lot to be desired. The problem is … Continue reading Disclosure: change on the horizon →
- June 9, 2015
A warning against relying exclusively on English language versions of EU legislation
A rather curious judgment was handed down last month by the CJEU, concerning the 2001 Brussels Regulation. At first glance, the decision is not surprising. It merely confirms that the EU has moved with the times and, outside the business-to-consumer context at least, has permitted jurisdiction agreements to be communicated by “click wrapping”. This means … Continue reading A warning against relying exclusively on English language versions of EU legislation →